A Season of Change
A sabbatical year it has been!!! With many twists and turns and adventure galore, 2023 was a year of great transition at Sunseeds!! We held many seasonal camps throughout the spring, summer, fall and winter and what joy it has been to continue to celebrate the seasonal round with the children!!! The Spiral of Light and the Lantern Walk were attended by many Sunseeds alumni, and magical memories were once again seeded into the caverns of our minds and hearts.
And……. now it is time to begin again!!! Sunseeds will once again open its classroom doors on Feb, 20th for the Spring Term, and we are delighted to be welcoming new families into our community!! The play yard is being spruced up, new toys are being polished and purchased, decks are being painted, and gardens are being prepared for a new season of Sunseeds to begin!!
May this new year sprout seeds of joy, warmth, and wonder as we begin our Seasonal Round of songs, games and stories once again!!!