We believe in healthy, nature-based play

Our home-based Preschool and Kindergarten is founded on the understanding that healthy play is the most important building block for an intellectually healthy,  productive, and robust adult life. We have created Sunseeds out of the insights and educational indications of Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian philosopher who gave a wealth of information and understanding to the study of child and human development.  Our classroom and our curriculum are based upon the insights of Waldorf Education, and we are inspired by and dedicated to fostering a healthy imagination within the child. We are especially interested in the concept that educating towards freedom is the greatest gift we can give to our children and to our society at large. The cornerstone of our educational philosophy is an all-pervasive love, and we strive to support each child at Sunseeds to grow into who he or she was born to become.

Play is the work of childhood
— Jean Piaget
Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love, and send them forth in freedom.
— Rudolf Steiner