rhythm and anticipation, honoring
nature & seasons.

One thing that makes the early childhood Waldorf curriculum stand out from other early childhood programs is the festival life of the year. At Sunseeds we strive to help children become aware of the changing seasons and thus help them to grow more connected to nature. We do this by telling nature stories, by bringing nature into the classroom, by spending ample time outdoors and by celebrating seasonal festivals. We believe that, in our fast-paced, technologically-driven times, children need connection to nature now more than ever. We also understand that there is an inherent wisdom in the opening of a bud into a flower or the bursting forth of a butterfly from its cocoon. Our curriculum is designed to help children not only become aware of these changes, but highlights them with joy and wonder. Our festival life teaches the children that we, as adults, take joy and awe in the changing seasons and thus find meaning and wisdom in the simplicity of the natural world. At Sunseeds we strive to create simple festivals which meet the true needs of the developing child. We strive for simplicity and joy. We hope that you and your children will find joy in celebrating the seasons with us and we are honored to share these time-honored traditions with you.


Michaelmas –
September 26, 2019, 12-1:00pm

Michaelmas is typically the first festival of the new school year celebrated in Waldorf schools. ... The grade school children will usually perform a play of St. George taming a fiery dragon with the spiritual help of the archangel, St. Michael, who gives him courage. The image of St. George taming the dragon represents our inner courage to face our known and unknown fears. As the days grow shorter, can our inner light shine brighter? Can we tame the dragons of uncertainty, fear, and doubt that may arise when we are no longer nurtured by the sun, warmth, and abundant growth of the earth? St. Michael holds up his sword, representing courage, truth, and fortitude. Together with St. Michael we summon our strength and determination to champion the good and the true and to nurture the inner light that will allow us to face what lies ahead.


Martinmas/Lantern Walk –
November 8, 2019 5:30-7pm

The celebration of Martinmas comes on November 10th, with the beginning of the colder and darker days of autumn. St. Martin is remembered for sharing his warm cloak with a beggar. In this festival, the Sunseeds families gather together to cultivate empathy share their collective light as they walk together and sing songs while carrying beautiful paper lanterns made by the children.


Spiral of Light –
December 20, 2019, 5-6:30pm

During the Spiral of Light ceremony, we celebrate the turning point in the year when the days become their shortest and the nights are longest. We look for the light which comes from within. In the center of the spiral, a single candle is lit. Each child walks the spiral alone to the center of the spiral, where they light their own candle to place along the spiral. When all the children have walked the path, the whole spiral is aglow with lights. Together, as a community, we have found light in the darkness.


May Day –
May 4, 2020, 11-2pm PICNIC

May Day is celebrated in many Waldorf schools and celebrates the arrival of summer. The May Pole Dance is a joyful experience, and often the center of the May Day celebration. The May Pole bears garlands and symbolizes the tree of life and growth of spring vegetation. This festival is celebrated as an entire school community.
